661.335.6344 Info@bx-mo.com

Lets keep you moving forward

Dr. Mellissa DeConza, Ph.D.,BCBA

Independent Facilitator

I am Dr. Mellissa

Dr. Mellissa De Conza has Ph.D in Psychology and board-certified behavior analyst with over 20 years of experience in the field. She is a parent of a child with unique needs and is familiar with the regional center and IEP process.
Dr. Mellissa brings her unique experience of being both a professional, a clinician, and a parent to the process of SDP. Dr. Mellissa enjoys not only creating the person-centered plan and creating budgets but also in investigating resources that could help provide the much-needed services to help support the whole family.

Our Services

Pre-Planning for Person Centered Plan


Budget And Spending Plan

Ongoing Independent Facilitation

What is the Self-Determination Program?

Self-determination is not a new system. The self-determination system was developed over a decade ago as a pilot program within the regional center system. While it was just recently opened to everyone, the system is a total pivot from the traditional regional center system.

In self-determination, the individual and his or her family are able to identify who they would like to provide their own support services without having to use the traditional vendors of the regional center. This allows for greater access, more control, and better utilization of the services that are so needed. The self-determination program enables families to use services or service providers that were previously out of reach. The team at Behavior Momentum loves to encourage the “inside and outside the box” thinking that can create a program that is more person centered and allows for greater access to the neuro-diverse community.


What is a Person-Centered Plan

A Person-Centered Plan (PCP) is an assessment tool to look at the life of the individual with special needs as a whole person instead of just at his or her clinical needs or areas of deficit. It is often a refreshing way to demonstrate the actual need of the family and not what they have been assessed for by the regional center. Often through the process of developing the PCP underlying needs that had been previously overlooked come to the forefront. This exploration of life helps the family identify what is most important, what is missing, what you hope for, what you dream of, and what is needed.

A person-centered plan is not only about services and funding. It’s about what makes you, uniquely and talentedly you, and how to empower that, as well as what you struggle with and how to support and embrace that. 

Trusted Guidance


What are the needs both met and unmet?


Find a way to met those needs


Prepare for the future

“A dream doesn't become reality through magic: it ” , sweat, determination and hard work."

― Cloin Powell

“Some of the most wonderful people are the ones who don't fit into boxes”

― Tori Amos

If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But, whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.”

Martin Luther King Jr

"Most people see what is and never see what can be"

Albert Einstein

"The disability is not the problem. The accessibility is the problem"

Mohamed Jemni


(661) 335-6344